
Aug 6, 2012

Sweet Ride!

Francis Farrell in a 1931 Cord

A Man and His Machine

Dad's a surgeon with these things!

Aunt Susan Rules

What black flies?

The Homestead

Look how little the pine tree was!
1896. Man, I'd love to know who's on the porch.
No longer a half-way house.
And judging by that pine bough height--plus the nice railing and walkway--I'm guessing this was taken a little later.

The Arsenault Family

There's a Pot 'o Gold in the Lake!

Think the beavers got it?

Jul 19, 2012

Kissing the Blarney Stone

Helen Murphy Farrell
Gaining the gift of the gab!

January 1949

Farrell Sisters

Thanksgiving, 1971

Helen and Francis Farrell, North Creek

Christmas, 1968

The Miller Family

1980 at the South Street Seaport

Uncle Pat Farrell, Kathleen & J.T. Farrell

C'mon, how adorable can you get?

Bonnie, J. Michael Jr., and Laurie Farrell

1975 at Kevin and Alice Miller’s wedding

Gina Arsenault, Michael Miller, Hank and Wendy Sargent

Welcome to the Adirondacks

Helen Murphy Farrell, Helen Marie (Rea) Farrell, Francis Farrell
Anybody recognize that sign?

North Creek

Pete and J.T. Farrell; Helen and Francis Farrell, Tommy and Margaret Melville, Susan Farrell, Pat Farrell; Brian and Kathy Farrell

Jul 17, 2012

1964 was a fine year for hats

Where is this nautically-themed locale?
Let me know where this photo was taken, and I'll update the caption. In the meantime, let me just say--this man had style! (I am not kidding, this shot looks like it's straight out of a movie.)

Up to something...

All right, who knows what they're laughing at?
I'll go ahead and admit outright I don't know who the lovely lady in the orange hat is--but judging from this photo, I sure wish I'd had a chance to meet her. Please jump in the comments with any recollections (or entertaining theories) about when and where this photo was taken. Looking forward to updating these posts as memories get added!

At the Big Camp

Anybody know what year this was taken?
Hey, I recognize these kids! I love this photo. If anyone has any recollections about when it was taken, please type them up in the comments. Something tells me there's a story or two behind this one.